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Procedures of Quality Assurance
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There are several procedures in implementing quality assurance such as Determination, Implementation, Evaluation, Control, and Improvement. The determination stage is conducted by the quality assurance team by arranginga strategic plan (called as renstra), annually program, and the standards of the performance that become the reference in order to be achieved collectively. The quality assurance team conducts monitoring and evaluation to the activities conducted byApplied Linguistics study program and observes the achievement. The evaluation is conducted at the initiative of the quality assurance team or at the university level (Quality Assurance Office / LPPMP). Based on the results of monitoring and evaluation, the study program reflects on the control and improvement of activities that have been implemented. Thus, a sustainable quality assurance system is reinforced. The input, process, and results are observed. Monitoring and evaluation consist of: (1) new student admission selection ; (2) curriculum review; and (3) evaluation of the lectures. Monitoring is also conducted in thesis writing guidance, thesis review, and thesis examination sessions. Furthermore, the quality assurance team determines the minimum standard for student admission, for example a minimum score for TOEFL is 450. Monitoring is conducted on lecture activities, at the beginning, middle, and at the end of the lectures. Monitoring of the teaching and learning process is conducted through written report, the presence of lecturers and students, and questionnaires ( The quality assurance team also applies the quality standards of the thesis in order to meet the predetermined requirements. Thesis feasibility standards are observed through thesis writing guidance activities. As a result, the quality control is also conducted through a thesis exam. The examiners consists of a chairperson, secretary, main examiner, and supervisor.The results of the thesis exam can be in the form of a passing statement without revision, passing with a revision, and not passing. This is also intended to guarantee the quality of the thesis written by students. If there are still several deficiencies on the thesis examination, the examiners can ask students to revise their thesis.
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