On October 16, 1997, the United States is gearing up to colonize space. The Jupiter 2, a futuristic saucer-shaped spacecraft, stands on its launchpad undergoing final preparations. Its mission is to take a single family on a five-and-a-half year journey to an Earth-like planet orbiting the star Alpha Centauri. The Robinson family consists of Professor John Robinson (Guy Williams), his wife Maureen (June Lockhart), and their three children: Judy (Marta Kristen); Penny (Angela Cartwright); and...

The Transition of Master's Program of Applied Linguistics to Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) UNY
Regarding SK REKTOR No. 2.7 / UN34 / VIII / 2020 dated 7 August 2020, Master's Program of Applied Linguistics moved its management from Graduate School to Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) UNY. The decree states that this transition start on August 31st, 2020. By conducting this system, it is hoped that it can improve academic relationship between S-1 Department of...
In the Meeting Room of UNY Rectorate, on Wednesday, July 1st 2020, Prof. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa, M.Pd. inaugurated and took the oath of position as Director of the Postgraduate Program (PPs) and Chair of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) UNY for the period 2020-2024. The Director of PPs was previously held by Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A., replaced by Prof. Dr. Suyanta, M.Si. who previously served as Chairman of the Institute for Research and...
11 Study Programs received the title of Premier Institution from ASIC (Accreditation Service for International School, Colleges and Universities) Accreditation. These study programs include Master's of Applied Linguistics, Master and Doctoral Education Management, Master's and Doctoral Education Research and Evaluation, Master's of Counseling Guidance, Education Technology, Social Science Education, Sports Science, and Vocational Engineering Education.
ASIC accreditation is an...
In order to develop the contribution of alumni in improving the quality of research and publication of final semester students, representatives of the 2010 class of 2010 UNY Applied Linguistics alumni, Hendriwanto, M.Hum. and Intan Pradita, M.Hum., who is also part of the Post-Hallidayan Systemic Functional Linguistics community, held an SFL Workshop in Critical Qualitative Research Methodology. This workshop was held on 17-18 January 2020 by inviting research and publication experts,...
YOGYAKARTA. On Monday, October 21, 2019, a discussion on students' research topics was held. The workshop was attended by all Applied Linguistics students (Batch 2019). This event started at 10 AM and was opened by the Head of Applied Linguistics Study Program, Prof. Pratomo Widodo. In his introduction, Prof. Pratomo conveyed the purpose of holding the workshop. As for the goal, students as early as possible prepare a thesis as a final project in Applied Linguistics Masters education. With...
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