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Workshop SFL in Critical Qualitative Methodology
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In order to develop the contribution of alumni in improving the quality of research and publication of final semester students, representatives of the 2010 class of 2010 UNY Applied Linguistics alumni, Hendriwanto, M.Hum. and Intan Pradita, M.Hum., who is also part of the Post-Hallidayan Systemic Functional Linguistics community, held an SFL Workshop in Critical Qualitative Research Methodology. This workshop was held on 17-18 January 2020 by inviting research and publication experts, Handoyo Puji Widodo, Ph.D. By conducting a cross-subsidy system from general participants for active students of the Applied Linguistics study program. The two alumni opened the workshop to the public. There are 20 active students in the final semester of the Applied Linguistics study program, and 62 general participants consisting of lecturers and doctoral students. The workshop was held well thanks to the guidance from the head of the Applied Linguistics study program, Prof. Dr. Pratomo Widodo, who currently serves as the head of the Doctoral Program in Language Education, head of the Applied Linguistics study program, Ashadi, Ed.D., and the head of the alumni of the Applied Linguistics study program, UNY, Sudaryanto, M.Pd.
The workshop was held in collaboration between alumni and students. There are 10 active students who become the committee as well as the workshop participants. Mr. Ashadi, Ed.D. opened the workshop with a short speech which emphasized that SFL has a wide opportunity to be developed not only for discourse studies, but also for qualitative research data analysis. The workshop was then continued by Handoyo Widodo, Ph.D. with material in the form of; critical qualitative research in the Post Qualitative Methodology Turn, Critical Discrouse Studies: Whose Power Speaks Aloud, Critical Narrative Inquiry; Whose stories (voices) are represented?; Critical Photovoice (Critical Visual Narrative): A Picture is Worth a Thousand Stories; Introduction to SFL as Applicable Linguistics; Post-Hallidayan SFL in Critical Qualitative Research; Post Hallidayan SFL-Informed Data Presentation & Analysis.
According to Burhanudin Rais, S.Pd. , the workshop which was held this time opened students' knowledge about discourse studies that were applicative and easy to understand. Student on behalf of Diana S. Rahman, S.Pd. also conveyed the same thing that apparently SFL could be used for qualitative data analysis. This kind of activity needs to be held annually by alumni. In addition to getting workshop materials, Applied Linguistics students also get certificates and membership cards of the Hallidayan SFL Post community which they can use for their professional academic careers. (int / ant)
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